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                          "DFW Scrollers Minutes January 25, 2025

Faye called the meeting to order at 9:30AM with 13 members present.

Faye gave the treasurer’s report.

Secretary report –Faye stated that the December Minutes are found on-line. If anyone has a change contact Jo Ann  Minutes were passed by the members present.


Faye asked if there were any volunteers or nominations for 2025 officers.   None
It was passed by members present that the present officers be reelected for 2025 –officers as follows
President & Treasurer           Faye Benezue
Vice-Pres                                Cynthia Jordan
Secretary                                Jo Ann Wiggs
Librarian                                 Bob McClary
Web Master                            Kirk Riley

Dues were paid for 2025 of $15.00 by the members present.

Cynthia asked where she could get a large piece of wood cut into pieces.   Several people will check in their area for a sawmill and get back with her.
We discussed where our club had done past demonstrations and how to get new members. We discussed talking to several wood stores such as Rockler and Wood Craft to see if can get a date to set up for a demo.   Faye will contact Seyco and see if Mike can get a rep to come to our next meeting and discuss new products and services the store provides.  

CARVER SHOW –April 5-6 Kerrville, TX.   David Borg will be an instructor at the carver show

NEXT MEETING   February 22,2025

David Borg    Had several dragons and had to put a base on somr to add stability to the figures . He also showed his Christmas Tree designs.  (1) David paints on Boiled Linseed oil as a sealer, then paints the figures with acrylics.   This finish shows his figures to be very lifelike. 
Bob uses a wood sealer after he carves his figures then paints with acrylics.  (1) Bob carved a lighthouse for his wife and finished the base and steps were sprayed with stone finish.   Very authentic looking.  (2) Bob carved several little people (3) He carved an Indian bust.  The face was very real looking.
David Atkins did two signs.   Both were Steve Good patterns. Smile it Confuses People and a Dog
Russ showed off a set of dinosaurs cut from card board using his original patterns.  He used a knife to cut them out.  Next time he will cut them with his scroll saw.  Russ is in the process of trying to have his patterns printed.   We all wish him well. 
Jo Ann showed off several cardinals on crosses that she sells as ornaments. She also presented a cross.

Jo Ann did a demo showing the finish that she uses on her wood items.   She passed around a print out with information and her different cardinal ornaments to show how different finishes will look on the same ornament with the same paint.  (1) Minwax liquid, natural 209, I dip my projects and put on paper towels to let dry.   (2) Rust-oleum clear Gloss.  Spray after project dries, I like a very shiny surface.  The dip and spray protects the project from surface damage.

Bob McCary                              Jo Ann Wiggs
Harmon Atkins                          David Atkins
Faye Benezue                           Cynthia Jordan
David Borg                                Alex Borg
Preston Vickery                         Beverly Vickery
Russ Weaver                             Lavern Howell
Bill Howell

Jo Ann Wiggs